Are you a…

  • Robotics Developer Seeking to Enter New Markets with New Applications?
  • Robotics Manufacturer supporting Domain-specific partners pursuing North American expansion?
  • Robotics Solution Provider pursuing North American expansion?
  • Domain Expert seeking a Robotics Developer and a Go-to-Market Partner?

Robot Manufacturers

Are you selling robots and would like to expand the alternative niche markets or expand into North America?

Partner with TRC

We are your solution for the broadest distribution in North America.

We specialize in bringing leading-edge robotic solutions to market either standalone or integrated across multiple solutions providers. 

Our focus is on providing end clients not simply with limited-purpose robots but also multi-purpose modular robotic solutions, natively secure and cloud-optimized. Each partners’ solutions enjoy a broader market opportunity because of our larger marketplace of robotic solutions.

Why TRC?

Our team brings decades of experience and expertise in robotics technology and go-to-market strategy.

Our team will partner with your team to collaboratively create an optimal support structure for end clients.

Third-Party Robotic Software and Add-on components 

Build with us. TRC Robotics capabilities help OEM’s leverage time-to-market, scalability, and economies of scale to help manufacturers launch products faster. 

Why build with TRC Robotics? 

TRC Robotics offers a thriving ecosystem of solutions and applications for OEMs that facilitates a faster time-to-market cycle by building on the MMR™ Platform, MMR™-OS, and being part of the MMR™ Store.
While many OEMs focus their service robots for specific industries or markets, the MMR™ Platform enables an OEM to expand to new markets and build mass-market Multipurpose Modular Robots with new MMR™ solutions.

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Now Qualifying Pilot Engagements ☆ [INQUIRE]( ☆